Understanding HTML Coding
How Web Pages Are Developed & Coded
(Level 1 Introduction)

Available in English & in Arabic

For our people in the 21st century to appreciate the explosion of the internet and its web related technologies, it deems critical and important for them to be part of the process and therefore have the basic understanding of the web & how its pages are developed and coded. Product development is no longer a secretive, exclusive process, but a highly interactive strategy between customers and developers.

The acronym HTML is the coding language of the web pages and simply means: “Hypertext Markup Language”. It is the language of today’s Web pages. Technically a document-type definition specified in Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), HTML defines a series of tags or codes that imply how Web browsers should interpret the text or image enclosed in the tags. Based on simple ASCII text-based tags, the browser can adjust font size, display tables or perform HTTP and other operations (e,g. Link to a given URL, send E-mail or download a file). 

The objective is to enable the participants to write simple HTML documents using nothing more than notepad.


1. Introduction & Background
2. Understanding Web Sites & Their Critical Roles 
3. Coding Simple HTML Codes - The Starting & Ending Tags
4. Headings, Titles & Bodies
5. Using Images & Pictures
6. Establishing Links To Images & Files
7. Adding Lists Of Information (Bullets & Order Lists)
8. Using Fonts, Colors, & Size
9. Adding & Managing Tables (Cell Padding & Cell Spacing)