Understanding Business Budgeting By Non-Accountants
Available in English & in Arabic
It is quite understood that the 21st century is the time of amazing opportunity and a time of great change, it is about integration and velocity. Technologies and strong competitions in this world of business will be the only constant
feature. This world will be the host of a man of innovation, a man of productivity, and a man of multi-skills. Therefore, individual productivity is a must to meet regional and global competition.
We are in the information age,
where economy values knowledge as a tangible asset, where customers are considered to be prosumers (active participants in commerce), where organizations are integrated networks as opposed to hierarchical structure, where technology
is digital as opposed to analog, where employees are shifted from skilled laborers to knowledge workers, those who have the information have the knowledge and hence have the power.
Today, as we mentioned, economy
values knowledge as a tangible asset and those who have the knowledge have the power. With the blessings of the 21st century, business budgeting today is no longer a secretive, exclusive process, but a highly interactive knowledge
that is made available to all people. Therefore, understanding it, is one of the essential skill, our employees should possess.
1. Understanding The Fundamentals
2. Finance & Its Role
In Business
3. Background On Understanding Debit & Credit (The Traditional Nomenclature - Classification)
4. Understanding The Business Budgeting Process