English Grammar
Available in English & in Arabic
Communication is essential in our life and one can not survive with out it. It is an integral part of our creation. We are a communication species and we are born to communicate and become strong. If only one person alive, there is nobody
alive. We depend on ourselves and hence we cooperate. The quality of life depends on the quality of communication.
We communicate upward, downward, horizontal, formal and informal. We communicate for inquiry, clarification and
feedback. Our morale is improved through communication and productivity is achieved. The company’s receptivity is tested and if it is successful; this will encourage employees to submit their ideas accordingly. Only through communication
the acceptance of decisions is facilitated and important feedback is always provided.
Communication helps transmits orders, policy, procedures, job rationale, job instructions and feedback. Coordination, problem solving, conflict
resolution, information sharing, developing interpersonal rapport, and social and emotional support are all facilitated by communication. Therefore, it is imperative nowadays to master the skills of a language that is spoken globally
and very well recognized among the people of the universe. It is the English language.
English is spoken everywhere, it is the business language that easily facilitates the communication process regardless of nationality.
It helps people communicate wherever they go; it is the language of tourisms. It helps doctors around the world to share their updated work and research. The most important role of English is its dynamic use in the area of information
technology; it is the technical language of the 3rd millennium. Webs and internet, millions of websites that carry huge amount of data, all are written in English. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the main language of WTO
(World Trade Organization) is “ENGLISH”, the language of the world’s business.
Therefore, learning the grammar of this language is essential, so we can use it properly with accuracy, this will help us to be confident. This comprehensive
training will help us in our work performance, especially when English is considered to be an essential part of our job description.
The following agenda topics will be covered in details during the training course and an electronic
copy of the training will be made available to the participants:
1. English Alphabets
2. Parts Of Speech
3. Sentences & Phrases
4. Verbs To BE, To Do, To Haven
Nouns & Spelling Rules
6. Definite & Indefinite Articles
7. Pronouns
8. Tenses (Past, Present, Future, & Perfect)
9. Imperatives
10. Modals
11. Comparing Adjectives
12. Adverbs
Active, Passive, Transitive & Intransitive Verbs
14. Prepositions
15. Question-tags
16. Conditional “If”
17. Reported Speech
18. Countries And Nationalities