Project Management Methodologies
Within the Framework of Quality Assurance ISO
Standard Workshop
Available in English & in Arabic
Course Objective:
You will learn the specific PMI standards for project management, and best practice methods.
This course will focus on the
international standards for Project management created by PMI. These standards provide the training course participants with a solid foundation for performing project management. This specific training will help them to be well prepared
for the CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) or PMP (Project Management Professional) certification examination.
The following topics of project management
professional international standard will be explained in details during the training workshop:
- Project Integration Management
- Project Scope Management
- Project Time Management
- Project Cost Management
- Project Quality Management
- Project Communications
- Project Human Resources Management
- Project Risk & Crisis Management
- Project Procurement Management
Background Information:
The ISO standard states that without documented and approved project development methodology standards there is an increased risk of inconsistent
Project Management practices and a higher risk that systems will not be delivered on time within budget and systems will not be developed in a consistent manner. Therefore, it deems necessary to ensure that Project Management methodology
standard and the associated systems development standards are consistently enforced. The standards should implement adequate control over all aspects of a project including:
- Systems Lifecycle Standards in the areas of business requirements, feasibility study, analysis and design, construction, testing, implementation, user documentation, user training, and implementation in the production environment,
- Project Management Standards in the areas of Project Initiation, Project Resourcing, Project Planning, Progress Measurement And Reporting, Managing Financial Aspects Of The Project, Contract Management, Project Governance, Risk And
Crisis Management, Quality Assurance, etc..
- Project Support Processes Standards in the areas such as Change Management, Training, Project Documentation etc..
In conclusion, it seems to be crucially important that a quality assurance process should be in place to ensure that the standards are being applied in practice for each project. In order for any business process to comply to this important
requirement, it is a must that an educational and awareness campaign represented by this highly proposed workshop take place immediately, this will provide the needed awareness to all participants, so they become well aware of this
globally standard process.
To turn our proposal into tangible achievement, I am pleased to submit to you the following details for our proposed project management workshop with the hope that this specific workshop will be presented
in the language that will be clear and easy, so everyone will be able to understand one common language, a language that represents the framework of quality assurance and continuous improvement, in other words, it is also called superior
customer services and its acronym is KPI (Key Performance Indicators)
The Workshop Objectives:
One of the most exciting things in life is to
transform our ideas into tangible achievements using whatever means are available to us, such as people and state of the art technology. Every time ideas are transformed into facts, an elementary process called project execution has
taken place. Projects may be developmental as in the case of a new idea or well known when all parameters involved in its execution have been experienced before.
Technical institutions and colleges do prepare people purely in
the technical areas and the academic management colleges and institutions do prepare people in the management and human related areas and this is actually common every where. A great number of projects failed in the past and a lot
of resources were wasted, because those who were closely involved, either company employees, contractor workforce, or other customers were not properly trained in both areas (technical & managerial), in other words, they were not
trained on Project Management Methodologies which includes Project Life Cycles And Quality Assurance System. Therefore, lacking the needed competencies in this important area of human endeavor, continues to harm the business processes
and the only way to overcome this problem, is through the mastering of the competencies that will assure proper qualification.
Quality Assurance System standard requires audits to be conducted on various Quality Systems within
the project from the Initiation, Resourcing, Planning, Execution and through the Close Out of the project, which help ensure that the Quality of products/ services as the project output meet or exceed customers’ requirements. Therefore,
it is necessity for the workforce, to understand the technique of Business Process Analysis and Procedure Development with Flowcharting Techniques; this will help them understand the proper way of developing project documentations.
As they master the skills required, their well developed structured written documentations will be in line with Quality Assurance ISO Standard.
As we can see, Project Analysis & Methodology is one of the most complicated
fields of study and this is due to its broad scope, such as Quality Assurance standard, Project Life Cycle standard, and Project Management standard. It is connected to the core business processes as well as the supporting business
processes. Therefore those who will be involved projects whether they are suppliers (provide products & services) or customers (provide requirements) are required to develop and sharpen their skills in this area so they can successfully
(efficiently & effectively) play their expected roles in their organizations to drive their business processes forward.
Turning Our Vision Into Reality - A Process Of Change:
makes a change exciting, is actually when we transform our great ideas into tangible achievements using whatever means are available to us. It is called “Creativity through Innovation”, it is strategically the process of turning a
vision into reality for the people’s best interests in the short and long run. This workshop training proposal is our sponsored vision & mission that helps the participants become highly skillful (efficient and effective) in the
process of quality assurance (consistent compliance).
It is quite true that if we have people who are lagging behind in knowledge and understanding, the whole business slows down. The faster we can get everyone up to speed,
the faster the business progresses. Yes, we have to be motivators, guides, self developers, mentors and of course champions who take great ideas and fight for their success and this is a real project management and leadership process.
develop and sharpen our skills in this important area of human endeavor, the following topics will be covered in detail:
- Introduction & Background (The Projects, Quality, And The Marketing Of The 3rd Millennium – The Connection)
- Pre Assessment - 100 Questions Comprehensive Exam That Targets PMI Certification preparations.
- Working through out the comprehensive exam with the objective to understand all the 100 questions and their answers. This process will easily help us to be well prepared for the PMP, PMI or CAMP examination.
The following topics will be targeted during the training:
- The Brain, The Change, The Leader & The Project - The Link To Creativity & Innovation
- Project Initiation And The Process Of Understanding Business Requirements
- Business Requirement - Problem Definition
- Feasibility Study
- Individual & Group Exercise On How To Develop And Present Problem Definition & Feasibility Study
- Project Resourcing & the Building Of Team Members
- Team Assessment Exercise – Individual & Group Participation
- The Challenge Of The Project Leader
- Project Planning & The Use Of Information Technology
- Schedule Project Activities
- Network Activities And Data Bases
- Definition Of Terms
- Project Execution
- The Power Of KPI – Key Performance Indicators Through Progress Measurement And Reporting - Utilizing Up-To-Date Information Technology
- Managing Financial Aspects Of The Project
- Contract Writing & The Process Of Understanding Bidding & Contracting
- Project Governance
- Risk & Crisis Management - (Assessment & Handling)
- The Project & The Quality Assurance - ISO Standard (The Connection)
- The Quality System And Q. S. Documentation
- The Quality System And Q. S. Documentation
- Business Process Analysis And Procedure Development - With Flow-charting Techniques
- Understanding The Audit Process
- Types and Depths of Audits
- Audit Reporting and Follow-up
- The Project, The Change & The Role Of Training Virtual & Dynamic (A Real Case To Show)
- Project Close-Out
- Becoming A Qualified Leader In The 21st Century & Earning An Ongoing Success - Continuous Excellence
- General Review & Recap To Reinforce Learning
- Post Assessment - 100 Questions & Their Explained Answers - Exam Preparation For PMI or CAPM Certification
- Workshop Assessment & Closing
- The Brain, The Change, The Leader & The Project - The Link To Creativity & Innovation